And why we urgently need new KPIs. In an economy in which most markets are saturated and even the superlatives have worn out, ‘doers’ are more in demand than ever. But what we really need are doers who move our world forward, innovators who build bridges to a new world beyond consumerism and capitalism. I would expect these doers to have their inner selves in order, meaning that they have a strong character, are independent, creative, authentic and present.
I would hope that they would look at things critically, scrutinise them and check their content, impact and side effects. I would hope that they have a deep relationship with other people, with society, with the world, with our fellow inhabitants from the animal and plant kingdoms and with the planet itself. I would like to encourage them to join forces with like-minded and complementary people to form a perfect team, because the time of the money-, power- and publicity-hungry lone warriors is finally over.
I want to see these people, driven by purpose, interest and goodwill, start to shape and realise things and thus bring change and new opportunities into the world. So no quick fixes, but arrows that hit the mark are preferable. Download Article about doers and new competences